Vote anti-software-patent types in as Europeans of the Year

It's time to vote for the European of the Year contest. Several of the categories include people who worked hard to kill the loathsome, ridiculous software patent directive. has a ticket of anti-software-patent Euros you can vote for, sending another message to the world that Europe is too sensible to let companies own math.

Commissioner of the Year: Dalia Grybauskaite
(we had big problems with Charlie McCreevy, and we are uncomfortable with all others except Dalia Grybauskaite, who seems a safe choice)

MEP of the Year: Michel Rocard
(he was the so-called "rapporteur" of the European Parliament on the software patent directive and did a very good job)

Statesman of the Year: José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
(his government was the only one to vote with a clear No against the software patent proposal of the EU Council, and the other candidates were either in favor of software patents like Juncker, Schröder and Blair, or they didn't help)


(Thanks, Menneke!)