The Infinite Matrix, an infinitely

The Infinite Matrix, an infinitely cool (heh, I made a funny) online sf zine that folded after one ish is back! And BoingBoing played no small part in that renaissance: When the first ish of IM went online, with a blog from Bruce Sterling, short fiction from a string of Hugo winners, and a lovely lookenfeel, we ran a link to it, which got picked up and propagated to Wired News, /., and elsewhere. The publicity was sufficient to attract a sponsor for more issues, and the new one is terrific. Also, Eileen Gunn, IM's editor, will be excerpting a big hunk of "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom," my first novel, which Tor will publish next fall.

Most of my focus in the past few months has gone into getting stories and columnists for the magazine, rather than figuring out how to make money. So here's what you can look forward to:

* Schism Matrix, Bruce Sterling's daily weblog
* This Week in History, compiled daily by Terry Bisson
* Scores, book reviews by John Clute
* ViperWire, nanotales by Richard Kadrey
* The Smoke, a serial by Simon Ings
* The Runcible Ansible, a weekly column of wit and miscellany by David Langford
* A monthly short story, including a newly discovered story by the great fantasist Avram Davidson
* Monthly excerpts from significant upcoming novels, including, in this issue, Kathleen Ann Goonan's Light Music, due next June from Harper-Collins Eos, and in December, Cory Doctorow's Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, due next Fall from Tor.

