New mobile number used to be Chris Rock's

Funny personal account of a woman who was assigned Chris Rock's old cell-number.

CALLER: It's Adam.

LAURA: Adam?

CALLER: [In a jovial manner] It's Adam Sandler!

LAURA: [Realizes instantly it was indeed Adam Sandler — there's no mistaking that distinctive voice of his] Oh, hi!




LAURA: [Overcome with sudden punchiness, from the craziness of one minute quietly winding down for bedtime, and then talking to Adam Sandler the next] So, are you calling Chris for business or pleasure?

ADAM: [Laughs, slightly taken off guard by this question, but still retaining his happy-go-lucky attitude] I'm calling Chris to say hello and chat. So… is he there?

LAURA: [Knows it's confession time, but tries her best to retain formerly buoyant personality] No, well… he's not. You see, I'm actually just this random New York City girl who happened to get Chris' old cell phone number….

ADAM: [Lets out a big laugh] Wow, that's really funny! That's great! You must be having a fun time with this!

LAURA: As a matter of fact, yes, I am! And what also makes it fun for me is that coincidentally, I write true stories about my life in New York City, and this will be another funny, true story to write about… Oh, I have number you can call to reach Chris….


(via Engadget)