Guardian's videogame blog

The Guardian has started a games-blog, just in time to respond to the hysteria in the fishwrap Daily Mail about "killer games" that "inspire real world violence."

Yesterday the Daily Mail invited readers to visit its online chatroom and respond to a typically ferocious anti-videogame rant, which took up two pages of the newspaper. Strangely, by 5pm the same evening, the 'should violent videogames be banned?' thread had been removed 'pending review', much to the confusion of those who were involved in what seemed to be a lively and mostly intelligent discussion. Could the reason perhaps have been that general opinion was very much against the proposition? Not to be silenced, however, visitors have started the thread again, and it's worth a look – in stark contrast to the paper itself, you should find some in-depth, well-considered and informed responses to a tragic incident. Unless it's all been removed for 'review' again…


(Thanks, Neil!)