Cory speaking in London, Feb 17

I'll be speaking at an event on the 17th of February at London's Stanhope Centre on public access to "civic" information, organised by the Open Knowledge Forums, hope to see you!

When: 17th February, 7pm – 9pm (1900 – 2100)
Where: Stanhope Centre, Marble Arch, London. [WWW]Directions
Contact: 176 976 (Rufus Pollock)

This forum will address the subject of 'civic' information such as:

1. Reportage of parliament events (e.g. Hansard) and the issue of Crown Copyright
2. Parliamentary composition and voting
3. Information on local government officials and activities

The focus will be on both:

* projects and software that produce or make available such information
* the legal and social issues involved in obtaining and providing such information

Lying behind all of these is that elusive goal of giving the public greater involvement in the democratic system and increasing the accountability of the government to its citizens.

Among others giving brief talks will be Stefan Magdalinski of, Francis Irving of publicwhip, Tom Steinberg of mysociety, and the well-known copyfighter Cory Doctorow.
