Copyfighters versus RIAA, MPAA, Napster and Universal at Cornell this Thurs

This Thursday, my cow-orker Fred von Lohmann (who successfully argued the Grokster case in the Ninth Circuit) and Siva Vaidhyanathan (author of The Anarchist in the Library) will go to Cornell University to take on Alec French (Senior counsel, Government Relations, NBC/Universal), Cary Sherman (President, Recording Industry Association of America), Avery Kotler (Senior director, Business and Legal Affairs Napster) and Fritz Attaway (Executive VP and general counsel, Motion Picture Association of America) in a debate.

Now it may seem like Fred and Siva are a little overmatched here, what with the copyright maximalists being represented 2-1 to the copyfighters, but I figger it's a fair handicap: after all, the copyfighters have the unfair advantage of being truthful, reasonable, and committed to the public interest.


(Thanks, Siva!)