Threatening lawyer-letter remixed into leet

Last month, we blogged the stone brilliant remix of the Star Wars trailer in which an intrepid and funny person added leet-speak/gamer subtitles to the execrable dialog in the video. Predictably, Lucas sent out a takedown notice and now the video is gone (after all, if fans are allowed to chuckle at humorous but unauthorized subtitles, how will Lucas go on selling Star Wars tickets and merchandise?)

But the leet-speaker has the last laff: check the link below to see the whole lawyer-letter that took the video offline, translated into mean and hilarious leet!


Clan Luc@ss and krew (aka. "Griefers") are so ubAr 133t that we even made Star Warz, The Empire Respawns, and The Jedi Go PvP. We also made some crap about some fag named Jar-Jar, but that was totally teh SUXXOR!!!1!!11! (oops. our bad) But we still totally pwn those flix. Those movies are mega ph4t lewt and we even found some sploitz that let us re-release them and make MAD BANK!

Even tho the 133t trailR was TOTALLY THE WINxorz, we f'in PWNt you! You are a dam dirty pirate-haxor-n00b and you can't join our clan. You duped our items and somehow (must be h4x) stacked buffs on them. You best do what we say or we'll petition the GMs and they will B4N your account! Oh noes!


(Thanks, David!)