DIY soda fountains

This site is dedicated to detailed build instructions for making your own pressurized soda fountain. If you dig syrupy drinks, then you can save big bucks with a project like this:

Q. Can I really not use brass or copper on the soda water connections?
A. Only if you don't want to get poisoned. The compounds produced when carbonic acid and copper react are toxic, and will induce vomiting, nausea, and a whole host of unpleasantness you don't even want to know about. Seek medical attention immediately if you ingested any such thing. Remember that when CO2 enters water, it becomes carbonic acid. Use stainless steel fittings to be 100% sure. Also remember that brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, and the reaction will still take place.

Q. What if I like really strong drinks?
A. Adjust the syrup screw on the fountain head to make the drink stronger to suit your taste. If the syrup screw is way in already, adjust the soda screw outward to reduce the water flow. You could probably even go so far as to get a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio, which would be a mighty strong drink, for nary the likes of a sailor such as yourself.


(via Make Blog)