Sf giant Robert Sheckley in Ukrainian hospital

Eileen Gunn sez, "there is now a PayPal donation page (courtesy of Michael Moorcock) for Bob Sheckley, who's been critically ill in Kiev. Sheckley's wit and humor was one of the big influences on my own style when I was younger, and probably on that of every genuinely funny writer in science fiction."

Although the Ukrainian net newspaper ForUm says he's practically ready to go home, Pravda claims that he can't owing to vast medical bills. There has been a language/communication problem here: SFWA reported that a company had guaranteed to cover the cost of treatment, little knowing that 'company' here meant only the local fan group/convention committee which hosted Sheckley's visit. According to our contact man Boris Sidyuk, these fans barely managed to pay the clinic's first bill and have been frantically raising funds to meet further expenses quoted at $1,000 daily.


(Thanks, Eileen!)