I blogged about the Pez MP3 player last spring — Patrick, a stay-at-home dad and inventor had decided to manufacture an MP3 player built into a Pez dispenser. He got a license from the Pez people and found a manufacturer and now he's finally taking orders for the device: $99 gets you a 512MB Pez MP3.
* PEZ Pal Boy character.
* 512 mb (holds around 120 songs)
* USB 2.0
* Plays MP3, WMA, WMA w/DRM
* Compatible with subscription services like Rhapsody To Go
* Uses 1 AAA battery
* Plug and Play
* Drag and Drop
* Can be used as a USB drive to store data files
* Repeat play or Random Play
* Store music in nested directories
* Comes pre-loaded with great indie music
* Lanyard hook
* Comes with earbud headphones and USB cable
* Limited run 1st edition