The cover story of this week's issue of Science News is about the chemistry behind beer flavor. Scientists are attempting to understand how the combination of a huge number of compounds affect the taste of the beverage, efforts that could eventually result in a more skunk-resistant brew. From the article:
The first push to delve into the mystery of beer flavor occurred in the mid-1970s, when a team of flavor chemists from 40 countries identified 800 chemical compounds in the beverage. These compounds–some individually, most in combination–contribute nearly 125 distinct flavors to beer. Brewers use the word flavor broadly, to include tastes, odors, and mouthfeel.
Today, says Morten C. Meilgaard, who chaired this international group, the total has risen to over 1,000 compounds. Studying the chemical constituents of beer is "like looking at the night sky," he says. "The closer you look, the more stars you can see."