Hollywood's MP caught lying on tape

The Canadian Member of Parliament who takes campaign contributions from the copyright industries and gives back laws that serve their interests has been caught lying to her constituents on tape.

Sam Bulte, the Liberal MP for Parkdale/High Park participated in an all-candidates meeting last week in which she was questioned about her morally dubious campaign financing. Listeners to the MP3 can hear her resopnse:

"I am not taking money from special interest groups. As you know, you can look at my returns. All of my election returns are noted, they are transparent. Ninety percent of my donations came from individuals. Ten percent came from organizations or corporations. They are not hosting a fundraiser for me. A fundraiser is being held. Individuals are invited. Everyone is invited. It is self-funding. And yes, there will be artists there. It will be a celebation of my support for the arts community."

Michael Geist's blog features a point-by-point takedown of these statements. Bulte does take lobbyists' money. She raised 57 percent of her campaign money from individuals, not the ninety percent she claims. Most incredible the claim that her fundraiser isn't being hosted by the entertainment industry is a bald, bold, easily disproved lie.
