Copenhagen to replace squatter town with condos, 1000% rent-hikes

Christiania, Copenhagen's glorious, venerable self-governed squatter town, will be razed by the city and replaced with condominiums. Residents of the settlement will face 1000 percent rent increases.

After coming to power in 2001, the government has taken an increasingly harder line on Christiania and its estimated 850 residents, closing its open-air hash market, Pusher Street, in 2004, and threatening to bulldoze the colony entirely.

The new construction could add as many as 400 new residents to Christiania's population.

In addition, current residents of Christiania will be forced to become members of a public housing organisation, and will likely have to begin paying a normal rent on their properties. Currently, adult residents pay DKK 250 per month to live in Christiania. The new rent would be between DKK 2500 and 4600 for a 50 sq. m apartment.


(via Squattercity)