Vintage motel postcards

Chris has begun to post his favorite vintage motel-room postcards to Flickr. It's a great collection! He waxes rhapsodic about "the lamps, the bedspreads, the nightstands, the old TVs (or radios, if predating TV ubiquity), the drapes, the alternately dazzling and unfortunate approaches to interior decor."


(Thanks, Chris!)

Update: Matt sez, "James Lileks is doing a very similar thing on his page. He's got loads of cards, and is posting them by state, updating once a week."

Update 2: Yorkie sez, "The Great Postcard Hunt has been collecting and cataloging interesting vintage postcard scenes from around the world, then recreating them with equivalent modern day views. It's effectively a combination of treasure hunt and photo safari, except all the hard preparation work has already been done."

Update 3: Humuhumu sez, "Here's an amazing collection of vintage Hawaiian hotel room postcards."