Anti-DRM kids' book now for sale

A couple weeks back, I blogged about "The Pig and the Box," an anti-DRM kids book. Now, MCM, the book's author, writes:

I got enough feedback and general interest to start a print run of The Pig and the Box, and I'm finally taking proper orders for the thing. $12.99 (+shipping) gets you a really slick dead tree version, so you can damage your children away from the computer.

Also, if you're so inclined, I've got a action set up to free the rights to the Pig (switching from CC-NC-SA to CC-SA) if 100 people buy a signed copy of the book for $20.

Half of all profits go to Oxfam.

And finally (this is the coolest part): there are now 7 translations of the book, donated by selfless volunteers around the world, free to download. Oh, and a movie is underway in Germany as well. Ah, the wonders of liberally-licensed media…

The follow-up book, The Crow Who Could Fly (about patent abuse) is due in the next week or so, once my server's bandwidth limit resets in August :)


(Thanks, MCM!)