Disneyland gospel song

Magic Kingdom in the Sky is a stirring, hilarious gospel song about Disneyland:

Oh, that Magic Kingdom in the sky!
We will all be there together by and by!
All Gods children shall be free in The Pirates of the Carribean
When we reach that Magic Kingdom in the sky!

Oh, the meekest and the poorest their inheritance shall see
and a zillion Japanese tourist all will join the jamboree
They will ride that holy Monorail into sweet providence
When they learn their redeemer is a mouse in short red pants!

Link, Coral Cache link to MP3, Lyrics

(Thanks, Kestrell!)

Update: Mark sez, 'The song is by an acapella group called "DaVinci's Notebook".'

Update 2: Jeff notes that DaVinci's Notebook has broken up, but two members have re-formed.