SF podcast: "How Lonesome a Life Without Nerve Gas"

The latest installment of the great sf story podcast Escape Pod is "How Lonesome a Life Without Nerve Gas" by James Trimarco. Escape Pod always publishes great science fiction audio, but "How Lonesome a Life…" is a standout, even so. It's the story of an artificially intelligent battle-helmet, testifying for its life, in front of a judge of the Earth Imperial court system. It unravells the story of how it started in the forces, as the headgear of a soldier sent to quell a Martian agrarian rebellion, and as the story unspools, Trimarco sketches out an often comic, always intriguing tale of AI in war. Frank Key, of the Hooting Yard podcast, gives it a dry, sardonic reading that fits perfectly.


Link to text of story,

Link to subscribe to Escape Pod podcast feed,

Link to Hooting Yard

See also:
Cory's Printcrime audio on Escape Pod
Escape Pod — great sf story podcast
Paul Di Filippo's "Shadowboxer" – Twilight Zonesque story podcast
Di Filippo's story "Little Worker" as a podcast
Podcast of Cory's story, "Craphound"
Science fiction podcast: a modern Paul Bunyan story (funny!)