Guinea pig rescuers

This Little Piggy And Me is a Cincinnati, Ohio home for wayward guinea pigs. Karen and Steve Oehlerts have rescued hundreds of the animals and shipped them to new homes around the country. Right now, about 30 live at their house, including eight that are full-time family members. From the Cincinnati Enquirer:

"They're hilarious. They are so comical. They talk to you. They've got so many different vocalizations," (Karen Oehlers) said. "They're like the stuffed animal you had as a child, except come to life."

Those who are approved to adopt a guinea pig have to sign a contract stating that they won't feed it to another animal or eat it themselves.

"Nobody's gonna eat my pigs," Oehlerts said.

Link (Thanks, Charles Pescovitz!)

Previously on BB:
• Attack of the Giant Guinea Pig! Link
• The Sims' designer Will Wright's diseased guinea pigs Link