Galleries in Washington DC are honoring pioneering Color Field abstract expressionist painters of the 1950s who are perhaps best known for covering large areas of canvas with single solid colors. BB pal Alberto Gaitán participated by creating an art installation where Web-connected robots paint their own color fields and generate a musical soundtrack. The piece, titled Remembrancer, is on display at the Curator's Office gallery. Gareth Branwyn has more about the piece over at Street Tech. From his post:
For the geek artists (and engineers) in the audience, the mechanisms that render the art might be as interesting, and maybe as poignant, as the art itself. Alberto used the Make Controller, an iconic object of the current anyone-can-play high-tech/DIY craze, "canvases" gridded off like geeky graph paper, beautifully printed on Komatex/Sintra, an expanded PVC material popular in robotics, peristaltic pumps that look like they were lifted from an OR, and paint-laden "carboys" suspended from the ceiling, that look like they might be from the recovery room. Gorgeous little robot carts complete the tech, with precision-machined gears and rack and pinion drive mechanics, stepper motors, and segmented cable guides that look both serpentine and like something from a LEGO Mindstorms set. As the gallery's curator, Andrea Pollan, so perfectly put it: It's "Frankenstein lab meets Walter Reed hospital room."
Link to Street Tech article, Link to Curator's Office gallery