Interview with author of Love & Sex With Robots

David Levy, author of Love & Sex With Robots, was interviewed by Jeff Simmermon.


Simmerman: Would you personally use one of these robots?

Levy: I would certainly experiment with one, to find out what it was like – how much like the real thing.

Simmermon:Would your wife?

Probably not – she is not interested in anything of a technological nature.

Simmermon:Would she mind if you used one? Surely you've talked about it by now …

Levy: Actually, no, because it is purely hypothetical since they do not yet exist.

Simmermon:I ask because I was talking about this with my girlfriend, who, had she found one of these in my closet in the early stages of our relationship, would have hailed a cab and never seen me again.

Levy: She says that, but why? Has she never used a vibrator? And if she has, why does she think that you shouldn't have left her immediately you found out?
