Topsy: a search-engine whose results come from highly trafficked Twitter links

Rishab sez,

Here's something neat – all the links posted by @Boingboing on
Twitter, and for each link, all the things people are saying about them on Twitter.

Its a result page from Topsy, a new site that lets you search through what people are saying about things. Topsy sees the Internet as a stream of conversations between people. It ranks each search result based on how much people are talking about it, and the influence of the people discussing it. Like Cory Doctorow's Whuffie, Topsy computes influence as something you can earn and spend. It does this based on how much you talk about other things and people, and how much other people talk about you. Of course @Boingboing is "Highly Influential" on Twitter (which is all Topsy's index has, for now).


(Thanks, Rishab!)