MakerBot has announced "MakerBot Playsets," a series of freely downloadable dollhouses, furnishings and dolls for your 3D printer. Whip up as pieces as needed, on demand, and amaze the wee ones (and compulsive hoarders) in your life.
MakerBot's own design superstar Michael "Skimbal" Curry, creator of such Thingiverse megahits as the Turtle Shell Racers and Gothic Cathedral playset, starts the ball rolling by architecting a pair of MakerBot Playset buildings. Introducing two new Thingiverse superstars: Cushwa and PrettyLittleThings are doing a tremendous job furnishing these playsets with their imaginations.1So without further ado, straight from the soundstage backlot of Annelise's Replicator music video, The Right Heart, we present you with the MakerBot Fairytale Castle Playset and the Damsels!
The collection has to be seen to be believed.
Introducing the MakerBot Playsets: MakerBot Fairytale Castle