Magnificent structures built by architects from the animal kingdom

If you can photograph the architecture of the original builders in the animal kingdom with the same professional clarity and precision used to photograph human architecture, you'll see that the work of animals stands up to anything we've made in our cities. The mud skyscrapers engineered by termites, and the woven houses of birds, as well as the ceramic mansions of the underworld are utterly magnificent. Behold the spring source of art! Nests, shells, webs, hives, etc. could each have their own book, but only a few of each types are featured here. Each is captured in an impeccable, perfect image, an iconographic representation of an entire museum of examples you'll be inspired to seek out.

Animal Architecture

by Ingo Arndt

Harry N. Abrams

2014, 160 pages, 8.6 x 10.1 x 0.8 inches

$20 Buy a copy on Amazon

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