I used to have a bad attitude about Jackson Pollock's drip paintings. I thought they were junk. Then one day a friend asked me if I'd ever looked at one of Pollock's paintings in a museum. I hadn't. He suggested I do and see if my attitude changed. I followed his advice, and after about 5 minutes of staring at the painting and trying not to judge, it won me over. I love Pollock's paintings now.
Dinner with Pollock is a spiral bound cookbook that combines Pollock's art with his own recipes. He was an accomplished cook, and especially good at creating tasty dishes from the kind of food typically available during the Great Depression and wartime rationing. Robyn Lea's photos of Pollock's borscht, blintzes, johnny cakes, hummus, Long Island clam pie, and dozens of other recipes are mouth watering. It's another reason to love this amazing person.
See sample pages from this book at Wink.