*✴★🎀𝓔𝓧𝓒𝓛𝓤𝓢𝓘𝓥𝓔🎀★✴* Check out British baker Kim-Joy's new graphic novel about cooking and anxiety Thom Dunn
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eggs A handbook, a cookbook, an eggbook: this quasi-encyclopedic ovarian overview is the only tome you need to own Marykate Smith Despres
cookbooks Learn how to eat a lobster and answers to other etiquette questions with this beautifully illustrated guide Marykate Smith Despres
Food Breathtaking botanical illustrations and photographs in a guide to the world of spices Marykate Smith Despres
photography White Heat 25 – A cookbook about a sleep-deprived, nicotine-fueled mad man in the kitchen Wink
Food Perserving the Japanese Way: Traditions of Salting, Fermenting and Pickling for the Modern Kitchen Wink