Sphero – An interactive robotic sphere that feels more like a creature than a ball

Sphero 2.0 is a fun interactive robotic sphere that feels more like a creature than a ball. To get started you must first download the Sphero app onto an iOS or android device (with bluetooth), which will become the ball's remote control. Now you can start playing with your Sphero. Take it on a walk, spin it, change its color (ranging from white to exotic tropical greens, blazing red, neon blues, and other vivid hues, all which are best seen in the dark), and adjust the speed of the Sphero so that it can race around (up to 4.5 mph) or move in slow motion (but beginners have to start off at a slower speed and "earn" their ability to roll faster by leveling up). You can download over 25 free apps for your Sphero including lots of games, such as the Rolling Dead, which injects zombies into the actual scenery around you (using the iOS or android camera), which you must escape by throwing fireballs or zooming around.

My Sphero hasn't had any problems or glitches. My only small complaint is that it takes three hours to charge for only one hour of game play. Also, I didn't purchase one of the nubby covers that improves the Sphero's traction (and allows the ball to travel on water!), so when I tried taking my Sphero outside on the driveway its traction gave way and it didn't move as smoothly as on carpet or wood floors. Regardless, I have really enjoyed playing with Sphero. It comes with two fun mini ramps, a stand, and a charging station.

– Ava Trahan

Sphero 2.0

by Sphero

Ages 8 and up

$99 Buy one on Amazon

See more photos at Wink Fun.