Louann Clem of Trenton, New Jersey, is suing her and her husband Rich's former employee, Case Pork Roll Co., claiming that he was fired for farting too much. Both the Clems complained to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), but her case was dismissed so she decided to sue while her husband's EEOC complaint is pending. According to the suit, Rich Clem had gastric bypass surgery that led to "extreme gas and uncontrollable diarrhea." That was when the owner of the company, Thomas Dolan, began harassing them, she says. Some of Dolan's alleged comments that Louiann Clem references in the lawsuit:
"We have to do something about Rich. This can't go on."
"Why is Rich having these side effects?"
"Is Rich following his doctor's recommendations?"
"We can't run an office and have visitors with the odor in the office."
"Tell Rich that we are getting complaints from visitors who have problems with the odors."
The company's owner claims the Clems weren't fired but rather quit after refusing to take a pay cut when the company fell on hard times.