When Bruce Sterling wrote his seminal book The Hacker Crackdown — a history of the rise of hackers, the passage of the first anti-hacking laws, and the formation of the Electronic Frontier Foundation — most of the hackers he chronicled had handles that were a combination of playfulness and menace, like Phiber Optik, Scorpion and Acid Phreak.
But this collection of German "black hat" hacker handles is studded with names that are more like a menu of commercial services than a collection of Batman villains. As Bruce Sterling writes, "If you call yourself 'Extasy8' or 'M3THLOV3R' or 'MasterCards,' those are basically ads. And why not call yourself an ad for your own services? You're not on some old-fashioned bulletin-board or IRC channel, you're in a miniature Silk-Road style blackhat marketplace. It's not about what a clever bad-boy you are, it's about the transaction."
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Web Semantics: Modern German black-hat hacker handles [Bruce Sterling/Beyond the Beyond]