GOP Senate candidate says women have the right to make him a "home cooked dinner every night at six"

Meet Courtland Sykes, Missouri's Republican U.S. Senate candidate. He posted on Facebook that he'd been asked if he supported women's rights. His response: "I want to come home to a home cooked dinner every night at six. One that she [his girlfriend] fixes and one that I expect one day to have daughters learn to fix after they become traditional homemakers and family wives — think Norman Rockwell here — and Gloria Steinham (sic) be damned."

In his campaign video he says, "If you like president Trump then you and I see eye-to-eye."

The Riverfront Times questions whether Sykes' campaign isn't a parody:

Sykes' background is largely a mystery. The Kansas City Star reports that he claims to have served in the Navy for more than eight years, enlisting after the terror attacks on September 11, 2001. His LinkedIn page says he later attended Harvard University's Extension School after that, earning a degree in 2014. That page also had listed him as a graduate student at the University of London, but when the Star questioned him about that, he said he had to put those studies on hold to focus on his campaign. The LinkedIn page was edited to remove the college shortly after.

He is listed as the managing director for a military consulting firm named Talosorion — but he tells the Star that the firm currently has no clients.

Even Arkansas seems flummoxed. The Arkansas Times notes the "fudge factors" on his resume, and even goes so far as to ask its readers if anyone knows who the guy is. "Any Arkies out there know the candidate?" they write. "He is a former resident of Hot Springs, various Internet accounts indicate."