University of Washington engineers developed a tiny, wireless, and steerable videocamera that can be worn by insects or minuscule micro-robots to stream live video. The device weighs just 248 milligrams. Evan Ackerman writes in IEEE Spectrum:
The system was successfully tested on a pair of darkling beetles that were allowed to roam freely outdoors, and the researchers noted that they could also mount it on spiders or moths, or anything else that could handle the payload. (The researchers removed the electronics from the insects after the experiments and observed no noticeable adverse effects on their behavior.)
The researchers are already thinking about what it might take to put a wireless camera system on something that flies, and it's not going to be easy—a bumblebee can only carry between 100 and 200 mg […]
Insects are very mobile platforms for outdoor use, but they're also not easy to steer, so the researchers also built a little insect-scale robot that they could remotely control while watching the camera feed.
"A Bug-Sized Camera for Bug-Sized Robots and Bug-Sized Bugs" (IEEE Spectrum)
"Wireless steerable vision for live insects and insect-scale robots" (Science Robotics)