Free e-book: How to Zoom

Glenn Fleishman is a freelance journalist (and BB irregular) with much experience working remotely, under unusual constraints, and from home: an expert in all the things the rest of us were pitched into by the pandemic. Zoom is the killer app of the new virtual workplace, but using it is murder. I've sworn off it completely, which is funny, because Glenn's just published a short DRM-free book on how to make the most of it. A lot of it covers broader matters—gadgets, desktop setups, configuration—that apply to other apps too.

Here's what you will find in Take Control of Zoom Essentials:

  • Pick the right Zoom app
  • Determine what audio and video changes you need
  • Set up your workspace and surroundings
  • Make yourself appear well lit and well distinguished on camera
  • Learn all the ways to join a meeting and what to expect
  • Manage Zoom's many options for viewing people in a meeting
  • Understand how to participate in a meeting
  • Control how you view a shared screen from someone else and share your own screen for presentations and demos
  • Stay safe in Zoom

The free 40-page version, Take Control of Zoom Essentials, covers what you need. An expanded 200-page edition, Take Control of Zoom, is $15 and covers the intricacies of advanced hosting, participant management, privacy and Zoom's roadmap.