Professor Louw Hoffman of the University of Queenslands wants people to eat more maggots. Specifically, black soldier fly's larvae, which he describes as a high quality protein.
"Just like meat, it contains all the nutrients humans need for health," he says. "The larvae is richer in zinc and iron than lean meat, and its calcium content is as high as that of milk."
From UQ News:
"The biggest factor that prevents fly proteins being used in our food supply is Western consumers' acceptance of insects as food," he said.
"We will eat pea or oat milk, even lab-grown meats, but insects just aren't on Western menus."
"While the fly can clean up toxic waste including heavy metals, it's also recommended flies bred for human food be fed a clean source of organic waste."
In addition to its nutrition profile, Professor Hoffman said there were strong environmental reasons for humans to eat fly larvae.
It's estimated that less than half a hectare of black soldier fly larvae can produce more protein than cattle grazing on around 1200 hectares of cattle, or 52 hectares of soybeans.
"If you care about the environment, then you should consider and be willing to eat insect protein," he said.