Dare you enter this site to see how many weeks of life you have left?

If you haven't come to grips with the fact that your ride on planet Earth does, in fact, come to an end, this ETD interactive infographic is not for you. Get out of here now.

For the rest of you, who appreciate your sick sense of gallows humor, check out Coruscant Consulting's deceitfully happy-looking chart, based on Tim Urban's static Life in Weeks chart, which, although colorful, can leave you in a dark place. After feeding it your birthday, country of birth, and whether you were born as male or female, the pretty graphic shows you with a black star where you are now on the timeline of your life's journey, and with a red flower, when you'll make your exit – if you don't first get struck by lightning or succumb to some other unforeseen calamity, that is.

As the saying (on the site) goes, "Those are your weeks and they're all you've got."

Via Creative Bloq
Image by Coruscant Consulting