I am not sure why this ABC10 'original' uses creepy music to create an ominous tone regarding people simply moving around the SF Bay Area

I do not know much about the San Francisco Bay Area, but I do not remember a time when 1) San Francisco wasn't being ruined somehow 2) commutes in and around the SF Bay Area didn't cause heads to spin or 3) everyone around San Francisco didn't like those people moving into their suburb. Sacramento is a suburb of 'The Greater Bay Area.' Big deal.

From watching this report I learned that remote working lets more people work from locations they like, rather than being forced to live someplace they do not like in order to be close to their place of work. Happier people sound great to me. I also learned that Sacramento is suffering from the same problems of homelessness and affordability as every other major metropolis in the US.

Why the music?

Image: Screen grab