Jeremy David Hanson, 34, of California pleaded guilty to sending bomb threats to a dictionary. Hanson was upset about its definitions for "woman", "girl" and other things that are none of his business.
"You [sic] headquarters should be shot up and bombed. It is sickening that you have caved to the cultural Marxist, anti-science … agenda and altered the definition of 'female' as part of the Left's efforts to corrupt and degrade the English language and deny reality," the second online threat read in part. "It would be poetic justice to have someone storm your offices and shoot up the place." A third threat was sent to Merriam-Webster as a comment on their website on Oct. 8, 2021 which read: "I am going to shoot up and bomb your offices for lying and creating fake definitions," the message said. "Boys aren't girls, and girls aren't boys … I will assassinate your top editor."
Ah yes, the classic Blur lyric, "Boys aren't girls, and girls aren't boys … I will assassinate your top editor."
Correction: California, not "Massachussets"