Low Cost Cosplay creates clever cosplay out of ordinary household objects

Low Cost Cosplay is one of my favorite Instagram accounts. We've shared his work before here at Boing Boing, but I thought it was time to revisit him. He's still hard at work enacting his incredibly creative cosplay ideas. Some of his recent standouts include this amazing shrimp, this eerily lifelike raw chicken, and this clever Voldemort.

Who is this awesome artist who creates cosplay out of objects easily found around his home? His name is Anucha "Cha" Saengchart, and lives in Thailand. Cosplay Central explains:

Low Cost Cosplay is from Thailand and has been making budget cosplays for over seven years. He started back in 2013 by making a low-budget Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z, and ever since then has been creating 3-step cosplay tutorials on his social media pages.

Go check out his work, and be inspired to create some cosplay of your own!