Ýrúrarí, knitter of dreams

I was super proud of myself that one time about twenty years ago when I crocheted a washcloth, a throw blanket, and a scarf—and then promptly gave up learning to crochet. I found crocheting challenging, but knitting? That's on a whole other level—knitting is for people with superpowers, like Ýrúrarí.

A self-proclaimed "One-Woman Knitting Show" and artist based in Berlin and Iceland, Ýrúrarí breathes new life into old sweaters and other items by turning them into works of art you would never dream of giving to Goodwill.

Perhaps you're not masking during an extended global pandemic because you just haven't found the right mask yet. Maybe give this one a try?

I don't know about you, but if the great Noel Fielding ever wore one of my artistic creations, I could die happy. And come on, can you imagine a cooler item of clothing than this banana sweater?!