Several months after launching, The Right Stuff, a dating app aimed at people with hearts, just not for folks who don't look like or believe the same things they do, is still struggling to make matches. As is usual with all things Q-adjacent, they are finding ways to blame the libs, rather than just admit that even conservatives don't want to date conservatives.
Daily Beast:
"I downloaded this app more than two months ago, even got sent a package from them to become an ambassador, and STILL have not been accepted onto the app. That's ridiculous and unacceptable," read one review posted on Dec. 19.
Another person blasted the invite-only business model.
"How can someone in a heavily liberal area get an invite… Most people around this area wouldn't download this app, much less send an invite," this user wrote. "Rather dumb."
The reviews mirror the sentiment of some young female conservatives in Washington.
"I mean, I don't know anyone on the app. Don't think it's going great," an influential conservative staffer in Washington, D.C., told The Daily Beast. She added that the company made a mistake launching in the D.C. market, "especially with a Democrat administration."