A look back at Tyranid Attack and other vintage Games Workshop board games

When I moved across the country in 2021, I sold off many of my vintage games and RPG books. I am still stinging from that experience. I had come to the decision that I was not a proper game collector and many of the games that I had acquired over the years (often in couldn't-refuse eBay deals) I had never played and was never likely to do so. And I didn't want to pay for moving hundreds of additional games and shelves of game books across the US.

But man, did I have a cool collection: Necromunda, Doom of the Eldar, Bommerz Over Da Sulphur River, Horus Heresy (1993 and 2010 board game versions), and Tyranid Attack. And that was just the Games Workshop games. I basically let go of a small game store's worth of treasures, collected over an adult lifetime of being a gaming nerd.

Maybe it's because of this that I find myself now watching so much vintage game content. In the above video on the (highly recommended) OldHammered, they look at 1992's Tyranid Attack, along with shout outs to Space Crusade, Advanced Space Crusade, Space Hulk, and even TSR's 1997 Snit's Attack.