Group spreads "Random Acts of Crochet Kindness"

The world could benefit from more random acts of kindness. While the official "Random Acts of Kindness Day" is only once a year (in 2023 it was February 17), the group "Random Acts of Crochet Kindness" celebrates every day. It's a group of folks around the world who crochet tiny cute things and leave them in public places for others to find. Their hope is to bring a little joy into the world, one tiny act of crochet kindness at a time. One example is from Twitter user "One Classy Hooker," from Lincoln, Nebraska, who tweeted a photo of her first random act of crochet kindness, a cute little "positive potato": 

I joined this FB group, "Random Acts of Crochet Kindness" and decided to join in the fun! I had my first mammogram today (yay 40!) & left a little positive potato for someone to find.

To find out more, check out their Facebook page