Deep Sleep is a new "off-grid adventure camp" and hotel nearly 1/4 mile down an abandoned Victorian slate mine below the Snowdonia mountains in Wales. Accommodations run from £350 to £550/night.
The route down through the old workings is steep and challenging. There are ancient miners stairways, decaying bridges and scrambles to negotiate. Your instructor will provide plenty of historical information about the fascinating environment – there is no rush. After around an hour, you'll be 1,375 feet underground – and a large steel door tells you that you've arrived at Deep Sleep!
A warm drink and some information will be provided – then it's time to relax for the rest of the evening. We'll provide you with a complimentary expedition-style meal (Meat, Vegan and Vegetarian options available) to enjoy at our large covered picnic table. Then you are welcome to retire to your bed for a very deep sleep!
Your instructor and a member of technical staff will remain in their own cabins in the Deep Sleep chamber with you for the night (you won't be left alone in the mine!). Then we all wake for 8am, to a warm drink and some simple breakfast snacks before starting the long ascent up to the surface and daylight again.

(via Oddity Central)