National Geographic mag lays off its last staff writers

National Geographic magazine, after 135 years of in-depth reportage, is to lose its last staff writers. NDTV, summarizing The Washington Post:

A total of 19 writers were let go by the publication as per reports and tweets by several editorial members.

"My new National Geographic just arrived, which includes my latest feature—my 16th, and my last as a senior writer. NatGeo is laying off all of its staff writers. I've been so lucky. I got to work w/incredible journalists and tell important, global stories. It's been an honor," Craig A Welch, senior writer at National Geographic wrote on Twitter.

It's sounds like the new National Geographic will be like an in-flight magazine or glossy trade publication, assembled from freelance bits by a part time editor and designer or two with a load of other stuff on their plate. The Nat Geo Society is much more than the magazine and presumably could do more–it's still among the most popular publications in the country–but print has lost its prestige and become a "cost center" to media companies.

3-month trip to $destination by a team of reporters, photographers and cartographers? 10,000 page views. "10 amazing places to visit in $destination" cobbled together from Wikipedia,stock art and social media embeds? 10,000 page views.