The desert has always been one of my favorite places in nature to visit because its barren landscape and open skies make me feel like I'm on another planet. Although deserts are typically thought of as vast, empty, stretches of sand and blaring sun, there are some hidden man-made wonders hiding throughout. Here's a list by Atlas Obscura of wonderful curiosities to visit in the desert.
There's the Old Plank Road in Southern California—a location where one can find remnants of an early 20th-century automobile road, spread throughout the dunes.
There's also the Museo del Meteorito, a meteorite museum in Chile's Atacama desert. It's regarded as one of the biggest meteorite collections in the world!
If you happen to be in Death Valley, CA, don't forget to stop by Teakettle Junction. This location is the home of a fun tradition where people leave behind tea kettles tied to a sign. The teapots are filled with letters from visitors, who are also encouraged to donate a teapot and take one with them for good luck. What fun!
Check out the other 19 desert attractions on the list from all over the world to discover more hidden gems.Don't forget to bring plenty of water with you if you decide to visit any of these places!