As FDA approval of an updated COVID-19 vaccine booster is imminent, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has warned against getting it.
"There's essentially no evidence for it. There's been no clinical trial done in human beings showing that it benefits people. There's been no clinical trial showing it is a safe product for people. Not only that, but there are a lot of red flags… There are multiple studies now from around the world — Brazil, I think Australia, United States — that show that over time these vaccines, these mRNA COVID-19 products, actually increase your chances of contracting COVID-19. That's not normal."
So dumb, not to mention dangerous. This follows the equally idiotic promise by Florida Governor Ron Desantis that no COVID spike would result in public schools closing or mask requirements in class.
"You as a parent can send your kid to school and the school can't force them to wear a muzzle all day," DeSantis said.