BBC: former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO hosted events where young men were exploited and abused

Mike Jeffries, the former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, is accused of exploiting men who were "recruited for sex events" hosted around the world. The revelation, if that's the right word for it, comes from a BBC exposé of Jeffries, who was ejected from the company after years of islamophobic discrimination, racist and fatphobic "look" policies in marketing and hiring, comments like "Are we exclusionary? Absolutely," his increasingly monstrous appearance, etc.

Eight men told the BBC they attended these events, some of whom alleged they were exploited or abused.Mr Jeffries and Mr Smith did not respond to requests for comment.But the couple's middleman denied any wrongdoing and said men went into these events "with their eyes wide open".

The BBC says it "carried out extensive fact-checking of the men's testimonies, which bore a striking number of similarities."

"Eyes wide open" heralds a shift from pro-forma denials of sexual misconduct to asserting the relevant prerogatives. It's nuts, but it is what it is.