Boing Boing

The Daily Show recommends Leslie Jones as the solution to annoying family at Thanksgiving dinner

This fantastic sketch from TDS shows Leslie Jones fixing Thanksgiving.

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This Thanksgiving, don't worry about how to handle your annoying relatives. For $29.99, Leslie Jones will teach you how to shut down awkward conversations. — TDS

I've had some weird Thanksgivings, but my favorite has to have been this one time some friends and I were recruited to help keep a Thanksgiving dinner low-key, as one of our cadre's long-divorced parents both intended to attend, with their new spouses, after decades of not speaking. The entire event was cursed and packed with all the oddities to make a spectacular holiday special like my sleeping in a room full of harps (when a harp string breaks in the middle of the night, you learn how high you can jump!) but so much sadness and human bad behavior as to make it not worth the retelling. We could have used Leslie Jones.

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