accidents Planes collide — not once but twice — at Boston's Logan Airport during busy Thanksgiving week Carla Sinclair
thanksgiving 7.5 million Tofurky roasts have been sold, here's your chance to learn how they are made Jennifer Sandlin
safety tips Firefighters demo "safe" turkey fryer — which hilariously bursts into flames (video) Carla Sinclair
Nature Remember that time three men got banned from Yellowstone for cooking chickens in a geyser? Lego Park Ranger does! Jennifer Sandlin
Republicans As GOP scrams for recess, Democrat hilariously reminds them who to thank next week (video) Carla Sinclair
Entertainment The Daily Show recommends Leslie Jones as the solution to annoying family at Thanksgiving dinner Jason Weisberger
thanksgiving Watch this cool time lapse video of Costco pumpkin pies flying off the shelves Jennifer Sandlin
Entertainment Wanda and Jamal are getting a Netflix movie called The Thanksgiving Text Annie Rauwerda