Dearly beloved, Prince's masterpiece 1984 film Purple Rain is being adapted into a musical for the stage. Produced by Orin Wolf (A Band's Visit), the stage adaptation will feature music by (duh) Prince, a script by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins (Appropriate) based on the original Purple Rain screenplay, and direction by Lileana Blain-Cruz (Skin of Our Teeth).
"It's been almost 40 years since Prince's legendary film, Purple Rain, took the world by storm and we can't think of a more fitting tribute than to honor Prince and the Purple Rain legacy with this stage adaptation of the beloved story," said L. Londell McMillan, chairman of The NorthStar Group, and Larry Mestel, founder and CEO of Primary Wave Music. "We are thrilled with our Broadway partners and creative team, who are bringing a theatricality to the film's original fictional story. We can't wait for a new generation to discover Purple Rain and for lovers of the original film and album to experience its power once again, this time live."
Take me away!