Now THIS is a work team building exercise I can get behind! Louisville, Kentucky resident Ilya Lyalin recently posted this video on his TikTok of a live, human-sized Whack-a-Mole game, with the caption, "Work team building by destroying." You can see Ilya in the middle of the giant inflatable, wielding what looks like a pool noodle, whacking away at his co-workers, who are popping up and down among the holes in the contraption. You can hear his co-workers shouting "Ilya, easy!", "Ilya, no mercy!", and "Ilya, hit harder!"
From what I can gather from his LinkedIn page, Ilya works in wine and spirit sales for a national distributing company. I also think I found where his company rented the "Human Whack-a-Mole"—Astro Jump, in Louisville, Kentucky, features the giant inflatable on its website.
Remember the game "Whack A Mole"? Imagine renting a giant inflatable version of Human Whack-a-Mole from Astro Jump of Louisville. Six children can pop up and down from their Mole Holes to try and grab some plastic balls surrounding " The Protector with the Inflatable Hammer" . Incredibly fun to play and really funny to watch the players popping up and down as they sneak a plastic ball out of the trough while the Protector isn't watching. The one with the most plastic balls in their mesh pouch at the end WINS!