Check out Porto's other cool bookstore—even if you're not a Tintin fan

I was so excited to go to Porto's coolest bookstore— no, not that one.  Everybody else can buy their timed ticket (really a prepaid book purchase) to get into Livaria Lello, the (fake) "Harry Potter" bookstore. After you've waited in line on the street you can jostle around inside with hoards of people taking selfies. No thanks. For my money, the coolest bookstore in Porto is Livaria Timtimportimtim.

Packed inside is a treasure trove of books, collectibles, figures, models, toys, calendars, puzzles, wristwatches, promotional signage—the Tintin fan will find anything and everything! Shark submarine models?—check. Moon Rockets?—check (choose your scale!). The displays are fantastic. It's as much a museum as store.

And not just creations by Herge, but also a great mix of lots of Tintin-adjacent pop culture faves such as Spirou. Michel Vaillant books and scale car models—wow! Asterix, Star Wars, Disney, new, old, vintage, it just goes on and on…

If you can't make it to Portugal, you can shop online.

Photo: Bob Knetzger
Photo: Bob Knetzger
Photo: Bob Knetzger
Photo: Bob Knetzger
Photo: Bob Knetzger

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